President Bio Meets OACPS Ambassadors, Discusses Areas of Further Cooperation

President Julius Maada Bio today met with Ambassadors of the Organization of Africa, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS). This meeting took place immediately after His Excellency’s bilateral with the OACPS Secretary-General.


In his statement, President Bio appreciates OACPS for its reform process, which is in line with implementing the vision to make the organisation “fit for purpose”.


As the organisation will be signing the OACPS- EU new partnership new agreement which is the SAMOA Agreement, the President empathized the importance of strengthening trade cooperation and promoting knowledge-based economies to accelerate sustainable development and development and poverty reduction in our nations.


At the engagement, President Bio highlighted his five-year agenda dubbed “the Big Five Game Changer” with the Feed Salone project as the flagship project.


He stated that his government will prioritize agricultural transformation for jobs and wealth creation as agribusiness is a key driver of growth for the country and a critical area of focus for investment. The President stressed that his government will seek strategic partnerships to harness the full potential of our agriculture sector.


The President also spoke about Sierra Leone’s role at the regional level as the country “continues to support the consolidation of peace, security and stability in West Africa and stands by ECOWAS to uphold the values of democracy”.


President Julius Maada Bio reiterated that as Chair of the African Union Committee of Ten Heads of State and Government on the Reform of the Security Council, “I will continue to champion in good faith our common course to ensure that the historical injustices against Africa is addressed. With concerted action, I am of the firm conviction that we will succeed”.


The Chairman of Committee of Ambassador, Ambassador Isaac Wehyee Nyenabo, in his statement, congratulated President Bio for his resounding victory during the just concluded election in Sierra Leone and for securing a seat at the UN Security Council.


He added that the President has a remarkable character and has demonstrated resilience throughout his tenure, fostering sustainable and inclusive development.


He stressed that the OACPS takes immense pride in Sierra Leone’s influential role as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council as the President’s membership and participation provides a better platform for amplifying the voice of the OACPS community.

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